Source code for flambe.cluster.const

# Logging socket config
# SSH connection settings
[docs]RETRY_DELAY = 1
[docs]RETRIES = 30
[docs]TENSORBOARD_IMAGE = "tensorflow/tensorflow:latest"
[docs]RAY_REDIS_PORT = 12345
# This names are specific because of tune stuff! # NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE NAMES # TODO: do this in a cleaner way
[docs]PRIVATE_KEY = "ray_bootstrap_key.pem"
[docs]PUBLIC_KEY = ""
[docs]REPORT_SITE_PORT = 49558
[docs]TENSORBOARD_PORT = 49556
# This is the account number for Flambe AWS account. # There is not risk of it being public.
[docs]AWS_FLAMBE_ACCOUNT = "808129580301"