Source code for flambe.sampler.base

import math
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict as odict
from itertools import chain
from functools import partial
from typing import Iterator, Tuple, Union, Sequence, List, Dict, Set, Optional

import torch
from import DataLoader
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence

import numpy as np

from flambe.sampler.sampler import Sampler

[docs]def _bfs(obs: List, obs_idx: int) -> Tuple[Dict[int, List], Set[Tuple[int, ...]]]: """ Given a single `obs`, itself a nested list, run BFS. This function enumerates: 1. The lengths of each of the intermediary lists, by depth 2. All paths to the child nodes Parameters ---------- obs : List A nested list of lists of arbitrary depth, with the child nodes, i.e. deepest list elements, as `torch.Tensor`s obs_idx : int The index of `obs` in the batch. Returns ------- Set[Tuple[int]] A set of all distinct paths to all children Dict[int, List[int]] A map containing the lengths of all intermediary lists, by depth """ path, level, root = [obs_idx], 0, tuple(obs) queue = [(path, level, root)] paths = set() lens: Dict[int, List] = defaultdict(list) while queue: path, level, item = queue.pop(0) lens[level].append(len(item)) for i, c in enumerate(item): if c.dim() == 0: # We're iterating through child tensor itself paths.add(tuple(path)) else: queue.append((path + [i], level + 1, c)) return lens, paths
[docs]def _batch_from_nested_col(col: Tuple, pad: int, batch_first: bool) -> torch.Tensor: """Compose a batch padded to the max-size along each dimension. Parameters ---------- col : List A nested list of lists of arbitrary depth, with the child nodes, i.e. deepest list elements, as `torch.Tensor`s For example, a `col` might be: [ [torch.Tensor([1, 2]), torch.Tensor([3, 4, 5])], [torch.Tensor([5, 6, 7]), torch.Tensor([4, 5]), torch.Tensor([5, 6, 7, 8])] ] Level 1 sizes: [2, 3] Level 2 sizes: [2, 3]; [3, 2, 4] The max-sizes along each dimension are: * Dim 1: 3 * Dim 2: 4 As such, since this column contains 2 elements, with max-sizes 3 and 4 along the nested dimensions, our resulting batch would have size (4, 3, 2), and the padded `Tensor`s would be inserted at their respective locations. Returns ------- torch.Tensor A (n+1)-dimensional torch.Tensor, where n is the nesting depth, padded to the max-size along each dimension """ bs = len(col) # Compute lengths of child nodes, and the path to reach them lens, paths = zip(*[_bfs(obs, obs_idx=i) for i, obs in enumerate(col)]) # Compute the max length for each level lvl_to_lens: Dict[int, List] = defaultdict(list) for l in lens: for lvl, lns in l.items(): lvl_to_lens[lvl].extend(lns) max_lens = odict([(lvl, max(lvl_to_lens[lvl])) for lvl in sorted(lvl_to_lens.keys())]) # Instantiate the empty batch batch = torch.zeros(bs, *max_lens.values()).long() + pad # Populate the batch with each child node for p in chain.from_iterable(paths): el = col for i in p: el = el[i] diff = batch.size(-1) - len(el) pad_tens = torch.zeros(diff).long() + pad # TODO fix two typing errors below; likely because of typing # on el which is reused multiple times el =, pad_tens)) # type: ignore batch.index_put_(indices=[torch.tensor([i]) for i in p], values=el) # type: ignore if not batch_first: # Flip all indices dims = range(len(batch.size())) return batch.permute(*reversed(dims)) else: return batch
[docs]def collate_fn(data: List[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]], pad: int, batch_first: bool) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]: """Turn a list of examples into a mini-batch. Handles padding on the fly on simple sequences, as well as nested sequences. Parameters ---------- data : List[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]] The list of sampled examples. Each example is a tuple, each dimension representing a column from the original dataset pad: int The padding index batch_first: bool Whether to place the batch dimension first Returns ------- Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] The output batch of tensors """ columns = list(zip(*data)) # Establish col-specific pad tokens if isinstance(pad, (tuple, list)): pad_tkns = pad if len(pad_tkns) != len(columns): raise Exception(f"The number of column-specific pad tokens \ ({len(pad_tkns)}) does not equal the number \ of columns in the batch ({len(columns)})") else: pad_tkns = tuple([pad] * len(columns)) batch = [] for pad, column in zip(pad_tkns, columns): # Prepare the tensors is_nested = any([isinstance(example, (list, tuple)) for example in column]) if is_nested: # Column contains nested observations nested_tensors = _batch_from_nested_col(column, pad, batch_first) batch.append(nested_tensors) else: tensors = [torch.tensor(example) for example in column] sizes = [tensor.size() for tensor in tensors] if all(s == sizes[0] for s in sizes): stacked_tensors = torch.stack(tensors).squeeze(1) batch.append(stacked_tensors) else: # Variable length sequences padded_tensors = pad_sequence(tensors, batch_first=batch_first, padding_value=pad) batch.append(padded_tensors) return tuple(batch)
[docs]class BaseSampler(Sampler): """Implements a BaseSampler object. This is the most basic implementation of a sampler. It uses Pytorch's DataLoader object internally, and offers the possiblity to override the sampling of the examples and how to from a batch from them. """ def __init__(self, batch_size: int = 64, shuffle: bool = True, pad_index: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 0, n_workers: int = 0, pin_memory: bool = False, batch_first: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = None, downsample: Optional[float] = None, downsample_seed: Optional[int] = None, drop_last: bool = False) -> None: """Initialize the BaseSampler object. Parameters ---------- data: List[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]], The input data batch_size : int The batch size to use shuffle : bool, optional Whether the data should be shuffled every epoch (the default is True) pad_index : int, optional The index used for padding (the default is 0). Can be a single pad_index applied to all columns, or a list or tuple of pad_index's that apply to each column respectively. (In this case, this list or tuple must have length equal to the number of columns in the batch.) n_workers : int, optional Number of workers to pass to the DataLoader (the default is 0, which means the main process) device : Union[str, int], optional The device to move the data to, (the default is 'cpu') pin_memory : bool, optional Pin the memory when using cuda (the default is False) seed: int, optional Optional seed for the sampler downsample: float, optional Percentage of the data to downsample to downsample_seed: int, optional The seed to use in downsampling drop_last: bool, optional Set to True to drop the last incomplete batch if the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size. (the default is False) """ self.pad = pad_index self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.batch_first = batch_first self.drop_last = drop_last self.n_workers = n_workers self.pin_memory = pin_memory self.downsample = downsample self.downsample_seed = downsample_seed self.random_generator = np.random if seed is None else np.random.RandomState(seed)
[docs] def sample(self, data: Sequence[Sequence[torch.Tensor]], n_epochs: int = 1) -> Iterator[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]]: """Sample from the list of features and yields batches. Parameters ---------- data: Sequence[Sequence[torch.Tensor, ...]] The input data to sample from n_epochs: int, optional The number of epochs to run in the output iterator. Use -1 to run infinitely. Yields ------ Iterator[Tuple[Tensor]] A batch of data, as a tuple of Tensors """ if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError("No examples provided") if self.downsample: if not (0 < self.downsample <= 1): raise ValueError("Downsample value should be in the range (0, 1]") if self.downsample_seed: downsample_generator = np.random.RandomState(self.downsample_seed) else: downsample_generator = np.random random_indices = downsample_generator.permutation(len(data)) data = [data[i] for i in random_indices[:int(self.downsample * len(data))]] collate_fn_p = partial(collate_fn, pad=self.pad, batch_first=self.batch_first) # TODO investigate dataset typing in PyTorch; sequence should # be fine loader = DataLoader(dataset=data, # type: ignore shuffle=self.shuffle, batch_size=self.batch_size, collate_fn=collate_fn_p, num_workers=self.n_workers, pin_memory=self.pin_memory, drop_last=self.drop_last) if n_epochs == -1: while True: yield from loader else: for _ in range(n_epochs): yield from loader
[docs] def length(self, data: Sequence[Sequence[torch.Tensor]]) -> int: """Return the number of batches in the sampler. Parameters ---------- data: Sequence[Sequence[torch.Tensor, ...]] The input data to sample from Returns ------- int The number of batches that would be created per epoch """ return math.ceil(len(data) / self.batch_size)