Source code for flambe.nlp.language_modeling.datasets

from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Union, Dict, Sequence
from zipfile import ZipFile
from io import BytesIO
import requests

import nltk

from flambe.dataset import TabularDataset
from flambe.field import Field

[docs]class PTBDataset(TabularDataset): """The official PTB dataset."""
[docs] PTB_URL = ""
def __init__(self, # nosec split_by_sentence: bool = False, end_of_line_token: Optional[str] = '<eol>', # nosec cache: bool = False, transform: Dict[str, Union[Field, Dict]] = None) -> None: """Initialize the PTBDataset builtin. Parameters ---------- split_by_sentence: bool, Optional If true, tokenizes per sentence. Default ``False``. end_of_line_token: str, Optional Token added at the end of every line. see TabularDataset for other arguments. """ self.split_by_sentence = split_by_sentence self.eol = end_of_line_token train_path = self.PTB_URL + "train.txt" val_path = self.PTB_URL + "valid.txt" test_path = self.PTB_URL + "test.txt" train = self._process(requests.get(train_path).content) val = self._process(requests.get(val_path).content) test = self._process(requests.get(test_path).content) super().__init__(train, val, test, cache=cache, transform=transform)
[docs] def _process(self, file: bytes) -> List[Tuple[str]]: """Process the input file. Parameters ---------- field: str The input file, as bytes Returns ------- List[Tuple[str]] List of examples, where each example is a single element tuple containing the text. """ decoded_text = file.decode('utf-8') # Replace end of line tokens if self.eol is not None and not self.split_by_sentence: decoded_text = decoded_text.replace('\n', self.eol) # Split by sentence or unroll if self.split_by_sentence:'punkt', quiet=True) text = [(sent.strip(),) for sent in nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(decoded_text)] else: text = [(decoded_text,)] return text
[docs]class Wiki103(TabularDataset): """The official WikiText103 dataset."""
[docs] WIKI_URL = ""
def __init__(self, # nosec split_by_line: bool = False, end_of_line_token: Optional[str] = '<eol>', # nosec remove_headers: bool = False, cache: bool = False, transform: Dict[str, Union[Field, Dict]] = None) -> None: """Initialize the Wiki103 built-in. Parameters ---------- split_by_sentence: bool, Optional If true, tokenizes per sentence. Default ``False``. end_of_line_token: str, Optional Token added at the end of every line. see TabularDataset for other arguments. """ self.split_by_line = split_by_line self.eol = end_of_line_token self.remove_headers = remove_headers response = requests.get(self.WIKI_URL, stream=True) with ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content), 'r') as z: train = self._process('wikitext-103/wiki.train.tokens')) val = self._process('wikitext-103/wiki.valid.tokens')) test = self._process('wikitext-103/wiki.test.tokens')) super().__init__(train, val, test, cache=cache, transform=transform)
[docs] def _process(self, file: bytes) -> List[Tuple[str]]: """Process the input file. Parameters ---------- file: bytes The input file, as a byte string Returns ------- List[Tuple[str]] List of examples, where each example is a single element tuple containing the text. """ decoded_text = file.decode('utf-8') decoded_lines = decoded_text.split('\n') # Remove titles of Wikipedia articles if desired if self.remove_headers: filtered_lines = [] for line in decoded_lines: line_strip = line.strip() if len(line_strip) > 0: if line_strip[0] != '=' and line_strip[-1] != '=': filtered_lines.append(line) decoded_lines = filtered_lines eol = self.eol or '' if self.split_by_line: text = [(line.lstrip() + eol,) for line in decoded_lines] else: text = [(eol.join(decoded_lines),)] return text
[docs]class Enwiki8(TabularDataset): """The official WikiText103 dataset."""
[docs] ENWIKI_URL = ""
def __init__(self, num_eval_symbols: int = 5000000, remove_end_of_line: bool = False, cache: bool = False, transform: Dict[str, Union[Field, Dict]] = None) -> None: """Initialize the Wiki103 built-in. Parameters ----------. num_eval_symbols: int, optional The number of symbols to use for seach of validation, and testing. Default ``5000000``. remove_end_of_line: bool, optional If True, remove end of line tokens. Default ``True``. see TabularDataset for other arguments. """ self.num_eval_symbols = num_eval_symbols self.remove_end_of_line = remove_end_of_line response = requests.get(self.ENWIKI_URL, stream=True) with ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content), 'r') as z: train, val, test = self._process('enwik8')) super().__init__(train, val, test, cache=cache, transform=transform)
[docs] def _process(self, file: bytes) -> Sequence[List[Tuple[str]]]: """Process the input file. Parameters ---------- file: bytes The input file, as a byte string Returns ------- List[Tuple[str]] List of examples, where each example is a single element tuple containing the text. """ train_data = file[: -2 * self.num_eval_symbols] val_data = file[-2 * self.num_eval_symbols: -self.num_eval_symbols] test_data = file[-self.num_eval_symbols:] symbol = '' if self.remove_end_of_line else str(ord('\n')) train = ' '.join([str(c) if c != ord('\n') else symbol for c in train_data]) val = ' '.join([str(c) if c != ord('\n') else symbol for c in val_data]) test = ' '.join([str(c) if c != ord('\n') else symbol for c in test_data]) return [(train,)], [(val,)], [(test,)]