Source code for flambe.experiment.tune_adapter

# from __future__ import annotations
import os
import pickle
from six import string_types
from typing import Dict, Optional
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict
import shutil

import ray

from flambe.compile import load_state_from_file, Schema, Component
from flambe.compile.extensions import setup_default_modules, import_modules
from flambe.experiment import utils
from flambe.logging import TrialLogging

[docs]class TuneAdapter(ray.tune.Trainable): """Adapter to the tune.Trainable inteface."""
[docs] def _setup(self, config: Dict): """Subclasses should override this for custom initialization.""" # Set this flag to False, if we find an error, or reduce = config['name'] self.run_flag = True custom_modules = config['custom_modules'] setup_default_modules() import_modules(custom_modules) # Get the current computation block target_block_id = config['to_run'] self.block_id = target_block_id # Update the schemas with the configuration schemas: Dict[str, Schema] = Schema.deserialize(config['schemas']) schemas_copy = deepcopy(schemas) global_vars = config['global_vars'] self.verbose = config['verbose'] self.hyper_params = config['hyper_params'] self.debug = config['debug'] with TrialLogging(log_dir=self.logdir, verbose=self.verbose, console_prefix=self.block_id, hyper_params=self.hyper_params, capture_warnings=True): # Compile, activate links, and load checkpoints filled_schemas: Dict = OrderedDict() for block_id, schema_block in schemas.items(): block_params = config['params'][block_id] utils.update_schema_with_params(schemas_copy[block_id], block_params) # First activate links from previous blocks in the # pipeline utils.update_link_refs(schemas_copy, block_id, global_vars) block: Component = schemas_copy[block_id]() filled_schemas[block_id] = schemas_copy[block_id] if block_id in config['checkpoints']: # Get the block hash needed_set = utils.extract_needed_blocks(schemas, block_id, global_vars) needed_blocks = ((k, v) for k, v in filled_schemas.items() if k in needed_set) block_hash = repr(OrderedDict(needed_blocks)) # Check the mask, if it's False then we end # immediately mask_value = config['checkpoints'][block_id]['mask'][block_hash] if mask_value is False: self.run_flag = False return # There should be a checkpoint checkpoint = config['checkpoints'][block_id]['paths'][block_hash] state = load_state_from_file(checkpoint) block.load_state(state) # Holding compiled objects alongside schemas is okay # but not fully expressed in our type annotations. # TODO: fix this in our utils type annotations schemas_copy[block_id] = block # type: ignore # If everything went well, just compile self.block = schemas_copy[target_block_id] # Add tb prefix to computables in case multiple plots are # requested if not config['merge_plot']: self.block.tb_log_prefix =
[docs] def save(self, checkpoint_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Override to replace checkpoint.""" checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir or self.logdir, "checkpoint") if not self.run_flag: return checkpoint_dir if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir) checkpoint = self._save(checkpoint_dir) saved_as_dict = False if isinstance(checkpoint, string_types): if (not checkpoint.startswith(checkpoint_dir) or checkpoint == checkpoint_dir): raise ValueError( "The returned checkpoint path must be within the " "given checkpoint dir {}: {}".format( checkpoint_dir, checkpoint)) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint): raise ValueError( "The returned checkpoint path does not exist: {}".format( checkpoint)) checkpoint_path = checkpoint elif isinstance(checkpoint, dict): saved_as_dict = True checkpoint_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint") with open(checkpoint_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(checkpoint, f) else: raise ValueError( "`_save` must return a dict or string type: {}".format( str(type(checkpoint)))) with open(checkpoint_path + ".tune_metadata", "wb") as f: pickle.dump({ "experiment_id": self._experiment_id, "iteration": self._iteration, "timesteps_total": self._timesteps_total, "time_total": self._time_total, "episodes_total": self._episodes_total, "saved_as_dict": saved_as_dict }, f) return checkpoint_path
[docs] def _train(self) -> Dict: """Subclasses should override this to implement train().""" if self.run_flag is False: return {'done': True} with TrialLogging(log_dir=self.logdir, verbose=self.verbose, console_prefix=self.block_id, hyper_params=self.hyper_params, capture_warnings=True): if self.debug: import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() # Tune uses "done" instead of "continue" flag, so reverse # the boolean done = not metric = self.block.metric() report = {'done': done} if metric is not None: report['episode_reward_mean'] = metric return report
[docs] def _save(self, checkpoint_dir: str) -> str: """Subclasses should override this to implement save().""" path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint.flambe") return path
[docs] def _restore(self, checkpoint: str) -> None: """Subclasses should override this to implement restore().""" state = load_state_from_file(checkpoint) self.block.load_state(state)
[docs] def _stop(self): """Subclasses should override this for any cleanup on stop.""" if not self.run_flag: shutil.rmtree(self.logdir) if hasattr(self, 'block') and self.block is not None: del self.block