Source code for

import torch
import sklearn.metrics
import numpy as np

from flambe.metric.metric import Metric

[docs]class AUC(Metric): def __init__(self, max_fpr=1.0): """Initialize the AUC metric. Parameters ---------- max_fpr : float, optional Maximum false positive rate to compute the area under """ self.max_fpr = max_fpr
[docs] def compute(self, pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute AUC at the given max false positive rate. Parameters ---------- pred : torch.Tensor The model predictions target : torch.Tensor The binary targets Returns ------- torch.Tensor The computed AUC """ scores = np.array(pred) targets = np.array(target) # Case when number of elements added are 0 if not scores.size or not targets.size: return torch.tensor(0.5) fpr, tpr, _ = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(targets, scores, sample_weight=None) # Compute the area under the curve using trapezoidal rule max_index = np.searchsorted(fpr, [self.max_fpr], side='right').item() # Ensure we integrate up to max_fpr fpr, tpr = fpr.tolist(), tpr.tolist() fpr, tpr = fpr[:max_index], tpr[:max_index] fpr.append(self.max_fpr) tpr.append(max(tpr)) area = np.trapz(tpr, fpr) return torch.tensor(area / self.max_fpr).float()