Source code for flambe.runnable.cluster_runnable

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Dict, Callable

from flambe.runnable import Runnable
from flambe.cluster import Cluster
from flambe.runnable.environment import RemoteEnvironment

[docs]class ClusterRunnable(Runnable): """Base class for all runnables that are able to run on cluster. This type of Runnables must include logic in the 'run' method to deal with the fact that they could be running in a distributed cluster of machines. To provide useful information about the cluster, a RemoteEnvironment object will be injected when running remotely. Attributes ---------- config: configparser.ConfigParser The secrets that the user provides. For example, 'config["AWS"]["ACCESS_KEY"]' env: RemoteEnvironment The remote environment has information about the cluster where this ClusterRunnable will be running. IMPORTANT: this object will be available only when the ClusterRunnable is running remotely. user_provider: Callable[[], str] The logic for specifying the user triggering this Runnable. If not passed, by default it will pick the computer's user. """ def __init__(self, user_provider: Callable[[], str] = None, env: Optional[RemoteEnvironment] = None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(user_provider=user_provider, **kwargs) self.env = env @abstractmethod
[docs] def setup(self, cluster: Cluster, extensions: Dict[str, str], force: bool, **kwargs) -> None: """Setup the cluster. Parameters ---------- cluster: Cluster The cluster where this Runnable will be running extensions: Dict[str, str] The ClusterRunnable extensions force: bool The force value provided to Flambe """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setup_inject_env(self, cluster: Cluster, extensions: Dict[str, str], force: bool, **kwargs) -> None: """Call setup and inject the RemoteEnvironment Parameters ---------- cluster: Cluster The cluster where this Runnable will be running extensions: Dict[str, str] The ClusterRunnable extensions force: bool The force value provided to Flambe """ self.setup(cluster=cluster, extensions=extensions, force=force, **kwargs) self.set_serializable_attr("env", cluster.get_remote_env(self.user_provider))
[docs] def set_serializable_attr(self, attr, value): """Set an attribute while keep supporting serializaton. """ setattr(self, attr, value) if hasattr(self, "_saved_kwargs"): self._saved_kwargs[attr] = value