Source code for flambe.learn.distillation

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Dict

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler

from flambe.dataset import Dataset
from flambe.metric import Metric
from flambe.sampler import Sampler
from flambe.learn import Trainer
from flambe.nn import Module  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

[docs]class DistillationTrainer(Trainer): """Implement a Distillation Trainer. Perform knowledge distillation between a teacher and a student model. Note that the model outputs are expected to be raw logits. Make sure that you are not applying a softmax after the decoder. You can replace the traditional Decoder with a MLPEncoder. """ def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset, train_sampler: Sampler, val_sampler: Sampler, teacher_model: Module, student_model: Module, loss_fn: Metric, metric_fn: Metric, optimizer: Optimizer, scheduler: Optional[_LRScheduler] = None, iter_scheduler: Optional[_LRScheduler] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, max_steps: int = 10, epoch_per_step: float = 1.0, iter_per_step: Optional[int] = None, batches_per_iter: int = 1, lower_is_better: bool = False, max_grad_norm: Optional[float] = None, max_grad_abs_val: Optional[float] = None, extra_validation_metrics: Optional[Dict[str, Metric]] = None, teacher_columns: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, student_columns: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, alpha_kl: float = 0.5, temperature: int = 1, unlabel_dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, unlabel_sampler: Optional[Sampler] = None) -> None: """Initialize the Trainer. Parameters ---------- dataset: Dataset The dataset containing the first N columns of data for the student model, and the last N columns for the target. train_sampler : Sampler The sampler to use over training examples val_sampler : Sampler The sampler to use over validation examples model : Module The model to train optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer The optimizer to use scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, optional An optional learning rate scheduler iter_scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, optional An optional learning rate scheduler to run after each batch (i.e iteration) device: str, optional The device to use in the computation. Only used by compile. max_steps : int, optional The maximum number of training steps to run epoch_per_step : float, optional Fraction of an epoch to perform in a single training step (i.e before a checkpoint.) Defaults to 1. Overriden by `iter_per_step`, if given. iter_per_step : int, optional Number of iterations to perform in a single training step. Overrides `epoch_per_step` if given. batches_per_iter : int, optional Number of batches to pass through the model before calling optimizer.step. Requires the sampler to have drop_last set to True. (default set to 1 so optimizer.step is called after every batch) lower_is_better : bool, optional If true, the lowest dev metric is considered best, otherwise the highest. Defaults to False. max_grad_norm : float, optional Maximum Euclidean norm of gradient after clipping. max_grad_abs_val: float, optional Maximum absolute value of all gradient vector components after clipping. extra_validation_metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] A list with extra metrics to show in each step but which don't guide the training procedures (i.e model selection through early stopping) alpha_kl: float, optional Weight applied to the distillation loss. temperature: int, optional The temperature applied to the logits unlabel_dataset: Dataset, optional Optional dataset of unlabel data unlabel_sampler: Sampler, optional Optional sampler over unlabel examples """ super().__init__(dataset, train_sampler, # type: ignore val_sampler, student_model, loss_fn, metric_fn, optimizer, scheduler, iter_scheduler, device, max_steps, epoch_per_step, iter_per_step, batches_per_iter, lower_is_better, max_grad_norm, max_grad_abs_val, extra_validation_metrics) self.student_model = self.model self.teacher_model = teacher_model self.teacher_columns = teacher_columns self.student_columns = student_columns self.alpha_kl = alpha_kl self.temp = temperature self.unlabel_dataset = None self.unlabel_sampler = None if unlabel_sampler is not None and unlabel_dataset is not None: self.unlabel_sampler = unlabel_sampler self._unlabel_iterator = unlabel_sampler.sample(unlabel_dataset.train, -1)
[docs] def _compute_loss(self, batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the loss for a single batch Important: the student and teacher output predictions must be the raw logits, so ensure that your decoder object is step with `take_log=False`. Parameters ---------- batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] The batch to train on Returns ------- torch.Tensor The computed loss """ student_columns = self.student_columns or range(len(batch)) teacher_columns = self.teacher_columns or range(len(batch)) student_batch = [batch[i] for i in student_columns] teacher_batch = [batch[i].detach() for i in teacher_columns] student_logits, student_target = self.student_model(*student_batch) with torch.no_grad(): teacher_logits, _ = self.teacher_model(*teacher_batch) loss = torch.tensor(0.).to(self.device) student_pred = F.log_softmax(student_logits, dim=-1) if self.alpha_kl < 1.0: loss += (1 - self.alpha_kl) * self.loss_fn(student_pred, student_target) # Add unlabelled batch if self.unlabel_sampler is not None: # Get next batch unlabelled, = next(self._unlabel_iterator) student_unlabel_logits = self.student_model(unlabelled) teacher_unlabel_logits = self.teacher_model(unlabelled.detach()) student_logits =, student_unlabel_logits)) teacher_logits =, teacher_unlabel_logits)) student_pred = F.log_softmax(student_logits / self.temp, dim=1) teacher_pred = F.softmax(teacher_logits / self.temp, dim=1) kl_loss = F.kl_div(student_pred, teacher_pred, size_average=False) / teacher_pred.shape[0] loss += (self.alpha_kl * self.temp**2) * kl_loss return loss
[docs] def _aggregate_preds(self, data_iterator) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Aggregate the predicitons and targets for the dataset. Parameters ---------- data_iterator: Iterator Batches of data Returns ------- Tuple[torch.tensor, torch.tensor] The predictions, and targets """ preds, targets = [], [] for batch in data_iterator: student_columns = self.student_columns or range(len(batch)) student_batch = [batch[i] for i in student_columns] pred, target = self.model(*[ for t in student_batch]) pred = F.log_softmax(pred, dim=-1) preds.append(pred.cpu()) targets.append(target.cpu()) preds =, dim=0) targets =, dim=0) return preds, targets