Welcome to Flambé¶
Welcome to Flambé, a PyTorch-based library that allows users to:
- Run complex experiments with multiple training and processing stages.
- Search over an arbitrary number of parameters and reduce to the best trials.
- Run experiments remotely over many workers, including full AWS integration.
- Easily share experiment configurations, results and model weights with others.
Visit the github repo: https://github.com/asappresearch/flambe
A simple Text Classification experiment
name: sst-text-classification
# stage 0 - Load the Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset and run preprocessing
dataset: !SSTDataset
text: !TextField
label: !LabelField
# Stage 1 - Define a model
model: !TextClassifier
embedder: !Embedder
embedding: !torch.Embedding # automatically use pytorch classes
num_embeddings: !@ dataset.text.vocab_size
embedding_dim: 300
embedding_dropout: 0.3
encoder: !PooledRNNEncoder
input_size: 300
n_layers: !g [2, 3, 4]
hidden_size: 128
rnn_type: sru
dropout: 0.3
output_layer: !SoftmaxLayer
input_size: !@ model[embedder][encoder].rnn.hidden_size
output_size: !@ dataset.label.vocab_size
# Stage 2 - Train the model on the dataset
train: !Trainer
dataset: !@ dataset
model: !@ model
train_sampler: !BaseSampler
val_sampler: !BaseSampler
loss_fn: !torch.NLLLoss
metric_fn: !Accuracy
optimizer: !torch.Adam
params: !@ train[model].trainable_params
max_steps: 10
iter_per_step: 100
# Stage 3 - Eval on the test set
eval: !Evaluator
dataset: !@ dataset
model: !@ train.model
metric_fn: !Accuracy
eval_sampler: !BaseSampler
# Define how to schedule variants
train: !ray.HyperBandScheduler
The experiment can be executed by running:
flambe experiment.yaml
All objects in the pipeline
are subclasses of Component
, which
are automatically registered to be used with YAML. Custom Component
implementations must implement run()
to add custom
behavior when being executed.
By defining a cluster:
name: my-cluster # Make sure to name your cluster
factories_num: 2 # Number of factories to spin up, there is always just 1 orchestrator
factories_type: g3.4xlarge
orchestrator_type: t3.large
key: '/path/to/ssh/key'
Then the same experiment can be run remotely:
flambe experiment.yaml --cluster cluster.yaml
Progress can be monitored via the Report Site (with full integration with Tensorboard):

Getting Started
Check out our Installation Guide and Quickstart sections to get up and running with Flambé in just a few minutes!