Welcome to Flambé

Welcome to Flambé, a PyTorch-based library that allows users to:

  • Run complex experiments with multiple training and processing stages.
  • Search over an arbitrary number of parameters and reduce to the best trials.
  • Run experiments remotely over many workers, including full AWS integration.
  • Easily share experiment configurations, results and model weights with others.

Visit the github repo: https://github.com/Open-ASAPP/flambe

A simple Text Classification experiment


name: sst-text-classification


  # stage 0 - Load the Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset and run preprocessing
  dataset: !SSTDataset
      text: !TextField
      label: !LabelField

  # Stage 1 - Define a model
  model: !TextClassifier
      embedder: !Embedder
        embedding: !torch.Embedding  # automatically use pytorch classes
          num_embeddings: !@ dataset.text.vocab_size
          embedding_dim: 300
        embedding_dropout: 0.3
        encoder: !PooledRNNEncoder
          input_size: 300
          n_layers: !g [2, 3, 4]
          hidden_size: 128
          rnn_type: sru
          dropout: 0.3
      output_layer: !SoftmaxLayer
          input_size: !@ model[embedder][encoder].rnn.hidden_size
          output_size: !@ dataset.label.vocab_size

  # Stage 2 - Train the model on the dataset
  train: !Trainer
    dataset: !@ dataset
    model: !@ model
    train_sampler: !BaseSampler
    val_sampler: !BaseSampler
    loss_fn: !torch.NLLLoss
    metric_fn: !Accuracy
    optimizer: !torch.Adam
      params: !@ train[model].trainable_params
    max_steps: 10
    iter_per_step: 100

  # Stage 3 - Eval on the test set
  eval: !Evaluator
    dataset: !@ dataset
    model: !@ train.model
    metric_fn: !Accuracy
    eval_sampler: !BaseSampler

# Define how to schedule variants
  train: !ray.HyperBandScheduler

The experiment can be executed by running:

flambe experiment.yaml


All objects in the pipeline are subclasses of Component, which are automatically registered to be used with YAML. Custom Component implementations must implement run() to add custom behavior when being executed.

By defining a cluster:


name: my-cluster  # Make sure to name your cluster

factories_num: 2 # Number of factories to spin up, there is always just 1 orchestrator

factories_type: g3.4xlarge
orchestrator_type: t3.large

key: '/path/to/ssh/key'


Then the same experiment can be run remotely:

flambe experiment.yaml --cluster cluster.yaml

Progress can be monitored via the Report Site (with full integration with Tensorboard):


Getting Started

Check out our Installation Guide and Quickstart sections to get up and running with Flambé in just a few minutes!