Source code for flambe.learn.train

import math
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any, Tuple, Iterator, Iterable, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler, ReduceLROnPlateau
from torch.nn.utils.clip_grad import clip_grad_norm_, clip_grad_value_

from flambe.dataset import Dataset
from flambe.compile import Schema, State, Component, Link
from flambe.learn.utils import select_device
from flambe.nn import Module  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from flambe.sampler import Sampler
from flambe.metric import Metric
from flambe.logging import log

[docs]class Trainer(Component): """Implement a Trainer block. A `Trainer` takes as input data, model and optimizer, and executes training incrementally in `run`. Note that it is important that a trainer run be long enough to not increase overhead, so at least a few seconds, and ideally multiple minutes. """ def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset, train_sampler: Sampler, val_sampler: Sampler, model: Module, loss_fn: Metric, metric_fn: Metric, optimizer: Optimizer, scheduler: Optional[_LRScheduler] = None, iter_scheduler: Optional[_LRScheduler] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, max_steps: int = 10, epoch_per_step: float = 1.0, iter_per_step: Optional[int] = None, batches_per_iter: int = 1, lower_is_better: bool = False, max_grad_norm: Optional[float] = None, max_grad_abs_val: Optional[float] = None, extra_validation_metrics: Optional[Iterable[Metric]] = None, extra_training_metrics: Optional[Iterable[Metric]] = None, extra_training_metrics_log_interval: Optional[int] = None) \ -> None: """Initialize an instance of Trainer Parameters ---------- dataset : Dataset The dataset to use in training the model train_sampler : Sampler The sampler to use over training examples during training val_sampler : Sampler The sampler to use over validation examples model : Module The model to train loss_fn: Metric The loss function to use in training the model metric_fn: Metric The metric function to use in evaluation optimizer : torch.optim.Optimizer The optimizer to use scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, optional An optional learning rate scheduler to run after each step iter_scheduler : torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, optional An optional learning rate scheduler to run after each batch (i.e iteration) device: str, optional The device to use in the computation. max_steps : int, optional The maximum number of training steps to run epoch_per_step : float, optional Fraction of an epoch to perform in a single training step (i.e before a checkpoint.) Defaults to 1. Overridden by `iter_per_step`, if given. iter_per_step : int, optional Number of iterations to perform in a single training step. Overrides `epoch_per_step` if given. batches_per_iter : int, optional Number of batches to pass through the model before calling optimizer.step. Requires the sampler to have drop_last set to True. (default set to 1 so optimizer.step is called after every batch) lower_is_better : bool, optional If true, the lowest val metric is considered best, otherwise the highest. Defaults to False. max_grad_norm : float, optional Maximum Euclidean norm of gradient after clipping. max_grad_abs_val: float, optional Maximum absolute value of all gradient vector components after clipping. extra_validation_metrics: Optional[Iterable[Metric]] A dict with extra metrics to show in each step but which don't guide the training procedures (i.e model selection through early stopping) The key of the metric will be used for displaying the values in tensorboard. Only logged during eval extra_training_metrics: Optional[Iterable[Metric]] A dict with extra metrics to show in each step but which don't guide the training procedures (i.e model selection through early stopping) The key of the metric will be used for displaying the values in tensorboard. Only logged during train extra_training_metrics_log_interval: Optional[int] The interval during training to log the extra_training_metrics. Set to None to disable and only log at the end of an epoch For eval, the interval is _always_ the entire epoch. """ self.dataset = dataset self.train_sampler = train_sampler self.val_sampler = val_sampler self.model = model self.loss_fn = loss_fn self.metric_fn = metric_fn self.optimizer = optimizer self.scheduler = scheduler self.iter_scheduler = iter_scheduler self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better self.max_grad_norm = max_grad_norm self.max_grad_abs_val = max_grad_abs_val self.validation_metrics = extra_validation_metrics if \ extra_validation_metrics is not None else [] self.training_metrics = extra_training_metrics if \ extra_training_metrics is not None else [] self.extra_training_metrics_log_interval = -1 \ if extra_training_metrics_log_interval is None \ else extra_training_metrics_log_interval # By default, no prefix applied to tb logs self.tb_log_prefix = None # Select right device self.device = select_device(device) if (not getattr(self.train_sampler, 'drop_last', False) and batches_per_iter != 1): raise ValueError(f'batches_per_iter cannot be set to {batches_per_iter} ' 'if the sampler does not have `drop_last` set to True') self.batches_per_iter = batches_per_iter n_batches = self.train_sampler.length(dataset.train) if iter_per_step is None: # Compute epoch per step if self.batches_per_iter > n_batches: raise Exception(f'Please set batches_per_iter ({self.batches_per_iter}) ' f'to be ≤ the length of your train_sampler ' f'({n_batches})') iter_per_epoch = n_batches // self.batches_per_iter iter_per_step = math.ceil(epoch_per_step * iter_per_epoch) else: # Iter per step takes precedent over epoch_per_step epoch_per_step = iter_per_step / n_batches self.iter_per_step = iter_per_step self.max_steps = max_steps self._step = 0 self._best_metric: Union[float, None] = None self._last_train_log_step = 0 self._best_model: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = dict() self.register_attrs('_step', '_best_metric', '_best_model') self.n_epochs = math.ceil(epoch_per_step * max_steps) self._create_train_iterator()
[docs] def _create_train_iterator(self): self._train_iterator = self.train_sampler.sample(self.dataset.train, self.n_epochs)
[docs] def _batch_to_device(self, batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]: """Move the current batch on the correct device. Can be overriden if a batch doesn't follow the expected structure. For example if the batch is a dictionary. Parameters ---------- batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] The batch to train on. """ batch = tuple( for t in batch) return batch
[docs] def _compute_loss(self, batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the loss given a single batch DEPRECATED, only exists for legacy compatibility with custom trainers Parameters ---------- batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] The batch to train on. """ print('Warning: flambe.learn.train.Trainer._compute_loss is deprecated. ' 'Please use flambe.learn.train.Trainer._compute_batch in the future.') batch = self._batch_to_device(batch) pred, target = self.model(*batch) loss = self.loss_fn(pred, target) return loss
[docs] def _compute_batch(self, batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], metrics: List[Tuple] = []) \ -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Computes a batch. Does a model forward pass over a batch, and returns prediction, target and loss. Parameters ---------- batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] The batch to train on. """ batch = self._batch_to_device(batch) pred, target = self.model(*batch) for metric, state in metrics: metric.aggregate(state, pred, target) loss = self.loss_fn(pred, target) return pred, target, loss
[docs] def _log_metrics(log_prefix: str, metrics_with_states: List[Tuple], global_step: int) -> None: """Logs all provided metrics Iterates through the provided list of metrics with states, finalizes the metric, and logs it. Parameters ---------- log_prefix: str A string, such as a tensorboard prefix metrics_with_states: List[Tuple[Metric, Dict]] a list of metric-state tuples global_step: int the global step for loggin """ for metric, state in metrics_with_states: log(f'{log_prefix}/{metric}', metric.finalize(state), global_step)
[docs] def _train_step(self) -> None: """Run a training step over the training data.""" self.model.train() metrics_with_states: List[Tuple] = [(metric, {}) for metric in self.training_metrics] self._last_train_log_step = 0 log_prefix = f"{self.tb_log_prefix} " if self.tb_log_prefix else "" log_prefix += 'Training' with torch.enable_grad(): for i in range(self.iter_per_step): # Zero the gradients and clear the accumulated loss self.optimizer.zero_grad() accumulated_loss = 0.0 for _ in range(self.batches_per_iter): # Get next batch try: batch = next(self._train_iterator) except StopIteration: self._create_train_iterator() batch = next(self._train_iterator) batch = self._batch_to_device(batch) # Compute loss _, _, loss = self._compute_batch(batch, metrics_with_states) accumulated_loss += loss.item() / self.batches_per_iter loss.backward() # Log loss global_step = (self.iter_per_step * self._step) + i # Clip gradients if necessary if self.max_grad_norm: clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.max_grad_norm) if self.max_grad_abs_val: clip_grad_value_(self.model.parameters(), self.max_grad_abs_val) log(f'{log_prefix}/Loss', accumulated_loss, global_step) log(f'{log_prefix}/Gradient_Norm', self.model.gradient_norm, global_step) log(f'{log_prefix}/Parameter_Norm', self.model.parameter_norm, global_step) # Optimize self.optimizer.step() # Update iter scheduler if self.iter_scheduler is not None: learning_rate = self.iter_scheduler.get_lr()[0] # type: ignore log(f'{log_prefix}/LR', learning_rate, global_step) self.iter_scheduler.step() # type: ignore # Zero the gradients when exiting a train step self.optimizer.zero_grad() # logging train metrics if self.extra_training_metrics_log_interval > self._last_train_log_step: self._log_metrics(log_prefix, metrics_with_states, global_step) self._last_train_log_step = i if self._last_train_log_step != i: # log again at end of step, if not logged at the end of # step before self._log_metrics(log_prefix, metrics_with_states, global_step)
[docs] def _aggregate_preds(self, data_iterator: Iterator) \ -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, float]: """ DEPRECATED Aggregate the predicitons, targets and mean loss for the dataset. Parameters ---------- data_iterator: Iterator Batches of data. Returns ------- Tuple[torch.tensor, torch.tensor, float] The predictions, targets and mean loss. DEPRECATED; only existed to aggregate for the metric functions. The metric functions do this in-place now. """ preds, targets, loss = [], [], [] for batch in data_iterator: pred, target, batch_loss = self._compute_batch(batch) loss.append(batch_loss.item()) preds.append(pred.cpu()) targets.append(target.cpu()) loss = sum(loss) / len(loss) preds =, dim=0) targets =, dim=0) return preds, targets, loss
[docs] def _eval_step(self) -> None: """Run an evaluation step over the validation data.""" self.model.eval() metric_fn_state: Dict[Metric, Dict] = {} metrics_with_states: List[Tuple] = \ [(metric, {}) for metric in self.validation_metrics] # Initialize a 1-epoch iteration through the validation set val_iterator = self.val_sampler.sample(self.dataset.val) with torch.no_grad(): loss = [] for batch in val_iterator: _, _, batch_loss = self._compute_batch( batch, [(self.metric_fn, metric_fn_state), *metrics_with_states]) loss.append(batch_loss.item()) val_loss = np.NaN if loss == [] else sum(loss) / len(loss) val_metric = self.metric_fn.finalize(metric_fn_state) # Update best model sign = (-1)**(self.lower_is_better) if self._best_metric is None or (sign * val_metric > sign * self._best_metric): self._best_metric = val_metric best_model_state = self.model.state_dict() for k, t in best_model_state.items(): best_model_state[k] = t.cpu().detach() self._best_model = best_model_state # Update scheduler if self.scheduler is not None: if isinstance(self.scheduler, ReduceLROnPlateau): self.scheduler.step(val_loss) else: # torch's _LRScheduler.step DOES have a default value # so passing in no args is fine; it will automatically # compute the current epoch self.scheduler.step() # type: ignore tb_prefix = f"{self.tb_log_prefix} " if self.tb_log_prefix else "" # Log metrics log(f'{tb_prefix}Validation/Loss', val_loss, self._step) log(f'{tb_prefix}Validation/{self.metric_fn}', val_metric, self._step) log(f'{tb_prefix}Best/{self.metric_fn}', self._best_metric, self._step) # type: ignore for (metric, state) in metrics_with_states: log(f'{tb_prefix}Validation/{metric}', metric.finalize(state), self._step) # type: ignore
[docs] def run(self) -> bool: """Evaluate and then train until the next checkpoint Returns ------ bool Whether the component should continue running. """ self._eval_step() if self._step < self.max_steps: self._train_step() # Simple stopping rule, if we exceed the max number of steps self._step += 1 continue_ = self._step < self.max_steps if not continue_: self._eval_step() self.model.cpu() self.model.load_state_dict(self._best_model, strict=False) return continue_
[docs] def metric(self) -> Optional[float]: """Override this method to enable scheduling. Returns ------- float The metric to compare computable variants. """ return self._best_metric
[docs] def _state(self, state_dict: State, prefix: str, local_metadata: Dict[str, Any]) -> State: state_dict[prefix + 'optimizer'] = self.optimizer.state_dict() if self.scheduler is not None: state_dict[prefix + 'scheduler'] = self.scheduler.state_dict() return state_dict
[docs] def _load_state(self, state_dict: State, prefix: str, local_metadata: Dict[str, Any], strict: bool, missing_keys: List[Any], unexpected_keys: List[Any], error_msgs: List[Any]) -> None: self.optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict[prefix + 'optimizer']) if self.scheduler is not None: self.scheduler.load_state_dict(state_dict[prefix + 'scheduler']) # Useful when loading the model after training done = self._step >= self.max_steps if done: self.model.load_state_dict(self._best_model, strict=False)
[docs] def precompile(cls, **kwargs): """Override initialization. Ensure that the model is compiled and pushed to the right device before its parameters are passed to the optimizer. """ # Select right device device = kwargs.get('device', None) if device is None: device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" def move_to_device(obj: Any): if isinstance(obj, torch.nn.Module): # Compile all objects and push Modules to the device for k, obj in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(obj, (Schema, Link)): obj.post_init_hooks.append(move_to_device)