Source code for flambe.field.text

from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, NamedTuple, Union, Any
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
from itertools import chain

import torch
import warnings
import numpy as np
import gensim.downloader as api
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from gensim.scripts.glove2word2vec import glove2word2vec
from gensim.models import fasttext
from gensim.test.utils import temporary_file

from flambe.compile.registrable import registrable_factory
from flambe.field import Field
from flambe.tokenizer import Tokenizer, WordTokenizer

[docs]def get_embeddings( embeddings: str, embeddings_format: str = 'glove', embeddings_binary: bool = False, ) -> KeyedVectors: """ Get the embeddings model and matrix used in the setup function Parameters ---------- embeddings : Optional[str], optional Path to pretrained embeddings, by default None embeddings_format : str, optional The format of the input embeddings, should be one of: 'glove', 'word2vec', 'fasttext' or 'gensim'. The latter can be used to download embeddings hosted on gensim on the fly. See for the list of available embedding aliases. embeddings_binary : bool, optional Whether the input embeddings are provided in binary format, by default False Returns ------- KeyedVectors The embeddings object specified by the parameters. """ model = None if embeddings_format == 'glove': with temporary_file('temp.txt') as temp: glove2word2vec(embeddings, temp) model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(temp, binary=embeddings_binary) elif embeddings_format == 'word2vec': model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(embeddings, binary=embeddings_binary) elif embeddings_format == 'fasttext': model = fasttext.load_facebook_vectors(embeddings) elif embeddings_format == 'gensim': try: model = KeyedVectors.load(embeddings) except FileNotFoundError: model = api.load(embeddings) else: raise ValueError("Only formats supported are word2vec, fasttext and gensim") return model
[docs]class EmbeddingsInformation(NamedTuple): """ Information about an embedding model. Parameters ---------- embeddings : str Path to pretrained embeddings or the embedding name in case format is gensim. embeddings_format : str, optional The format of the input embeddings, should be one of: 'glove', 'word2vec', 'fasttext' or 'gensim'. The latter can be used to download embeddings hosted on gensim on the fly. See for the list of available embedding aliases. embeddings_binary : bool, optional Whether the input embeddings are provided in binary format, by default False build_vocab_from_embeddings: bool Controls if all words from the optional provided embeddings will be added to the vocabulary and to the embedding matrix. Defaults to False. unk_init_all : bool, optional If True, every token not provided in the input embeddings is given a random embedding from a normal distribution. Otherwise, all of them map to the '<unk>' token. drop_unknown: bool Whether to drop tokens that don't have embeddings associated. Defaults to True. Important: this flag will only work when using embeddings. """
[docs] embeddings: str
[docs] embeddings_format: str = 'gensim'
[docs] embeddings_binary: bool = False
[docs] build_vocab_from_embeddings: bool = False
[docs] unk_init_all: bool = False
[docs] drop_unknown: bool = False
[docs]class TextField(Field): """Featurize raw text inputs This class performs tokenization and numericalization, as well as decorating the input sequences with optional start and end tokens. When a vocabulary is passed during initialiazation, it is used to map the the words to indices. However, the vocabulary can also be generated from input data, through the `setup` method. Once a vocabulary has been built, this object can also be used to load external pretrained embeddings. The pad, unk, sos and eos tokens, when given, are assigned the first indices in the vocabulary, in that order. This means, that whenever a pad token is specified, it will always use the 0 index. """ def __init__(self, # nosec tokenizer: Optional[Tokenizer] = None, lower: bool = False, pad_token: Optional[str] = '<pad>', unk_token: str = '<unk>', sos_token: Optional[str] = None, eos_token: Optional[str] = None, embeddings_info: Optional[EmbeddingsInformation] = None, embeddings: Optional[str] = None, embeddings_format: str = 'glove', embeddings_binary: bool = False, unk_init_all: bool = False, drop_unknown: bool = False, max_seq_len: Optional[int] = None, truncate_end: bool = False, setup_all_embeddings: bool = False, additional_special_tokens: Optional[List[str]] = None, vocabulary: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] = None) -> None: """Initialize the TextField. Parameters ---------- tokenizer : Tokenizer, optional Tokenizer to use, by default WordTokenizer() lower : bool, optional If given, lowercase the input, by default False pad_token : str, optional Reserved padding token. Note that this object does not perform padding. Padding is done on the fly, when sampling. (defaults to '<pad>') unk_token : str, optional The token to use for out of vocabulary tokens (defaults to '<unk>') sos_token : str, optional Start of sentence tokens to add to the start of each sequence (defaults to '<sos>') eos : Iterable[str], optional List of end of sentence tokens to add to the end of each sequence (defaults to an empty list) embeddings_info : EmbeddingsInformation, optional The embeddings information. By default None embeddings : str WIlL BE DEPRECATED SOON. USE 'from_embeddings' FACTORY INSTEAD. Path to pretrained embeddings or the embedding name in case format is gensim. embeddings_format : str, optional WIlL BE DEPRECATED SOON. USE 'from_embeddings' FACTORY INSTEAD. The format of the input embeddings, should be one of: 'glove', 'word2vec', 'fasttext' or 'gensim'. The latter can be used to download embeddings hosted on gensim on the fly. See for the list of available embedding aliases. embeddings_binary : bool, optional WIlL BE DEPRECATED SOON. USE 'from_embeddings' FACTORY INSTEAD. Whether the input embeddings are provided in binary format, by default False unk_init_all : bool, optional If True, every token not provided in the input embeddings is given a random embedding from a normal distribution. Otherwise, all of them map to the '<unk>' token. drop_unknown: bool WIlL BE DEPRECATED SOON. USE 'from_embeddings' FACTORY INSTEAD. Whether to drop tokens that don't have embeddings associated. Defaults to True. Important: this flag will only work when using embeddings. max_seq_len: int, optional The maximum length possibly output by the process func. If len of input tokens is larger than this number - then the output will be truncated as a post processing step. truncate_end: bool Determines the window of observed text in process if the input is larger than max_seq_len. If this value is True the window starts from the end of the utterance. Defaults to False. example: max_seq_len=3, input_text=1 2 3 4 5 truncate_end=false: output=1 2 3 truncate_end=true: output=3 4 5 setup_all_embeddings: bool WIlL BE DEPRECATED SOON. USE 'from_embeddings' FACTORY INSTEAD. Controls if all words from the optional provided embeddings will be added to the vocabulary and to the embedding matrix. Defaults to False. additional_special_tokens: Optional[List[str]] Additional special tokens beyond the pad, unk, eos and sos tokens. vocabulary: Union[List[str], str], optional Can be either a list of tokens or a file with a token on each line. If given, one can choose to allow expandion of the vocabulary or to freeze it. """ if embeddings: if embeddings_info: raise ValueError( "Cannot submit embeddings information and use the embeddings parameters" + "simultaneously. Use the 'from_embeddings' factory instead.") warnings.warn("The embeddings-exclusive parameters " + "('embeddings', 'embeddings_format', 'embeddings_binary', " + "'setup_all_embeddings', 'drop_unknown', 'unk_init_all') " + "will be deprecated in a future release. " + "Please migrate to use the 'from_embeddings' factory.") embeddings_info = EmbeddingsInformation( embeddings=embeddings, embeddings_format=embeddings_format, embeddings_binary=embeddings_binary, build_vocab_from_embeddings=setup_all_embeddings, unk_init_all=unk_init_all, drop_unknown=drop_unknown ) self.tokenizer = tokenizer or WordTokenizer() self.lower = lower self.pad = pad_token self.unk = unk_token self.sos = sos_token self.eos = eos_token self.embeddings_info = embeddings_info self.embedding_matrix: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.truncate_end = truncate_end self.unk_numericals: Set[int] = set() # Load vocabulary if given if vocabulary is None: self.vocab: Dict = odict() elif isinstance(vocabulary, str): with open(vocabulary, 'r') as f: self.vocab = odict((tok, i) for i, tok in enumerate( elif isinstance(vocabulary, Iterable): self.vocab = odict((tok, i) for i, tok in enumerate(vocabulary)) additional_special_tokens = additional_special_tokens or [] specials = [pad_token, unk_token, sos_token, eos_token, *additional_special_tokens] self.specials = [special for special in specials if special is not None] self.register_attrs('vocab') @property
[docs] def vocab_list(self) -> List[str]: """Get the list of tokens in the vocabulary. Returns ------- List[str] The list of tokens in the vocabulary, ordered. """ return list(self.vocab.keys())
[docs] def vocab_size(self) -> int: """Get the vocabulary length. Returns ------- int The length of the vocabulary """ unique_ids = set(v for k, v in self.vocab.items()) return len(unique_ids)
[docs] def _flatten_to_str(self, data_sample: Union[List, Tuple, Dict]) -> str: """Converts any nested data sample to a str Used to build vocabs from complex file structures Parameters ---------- data_sample: Union[List, Tuple, Dict] Returns ------- str the flattened version, for vocab building """ if isinstance(data_sample, list) or isinstance(data_sample, tuple): return ' '.join(self._flatten_to_str(s) for s in data_sample) elif isinstance(data_sample, dict): return ' '.join(self._flatten_to_str(s) for s in data_sample.values()) elif isinstance(data_sample, str): return data_sample else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot process type {type(data_sample)} for vocab building.')
[docs] def _build_vocab(self, *data: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Build the vocabulary for this object based on the special tokens and the data provided. This method is safe to be called multiple times. Parameters ---------- *data: np.ndarray The data """ examples: Iterable = (e for dataset in data for e in dataset if dataset is not None) index = len(self.vocab) - 1 # First load special tokens for token in self.specials: if token not in self.vocab: self.vocab[token] = index = index + 1 for example in examples: example = self._flatten_to_str(example) # Lowercase if requested example = example.lower() if self.lower else example # Tokenize and add to vocabulary for token in self.tokenizer(example): if token not in self.vocab: self.vocab[token] = index = index + 1
[docs] def _build_embeddings(self, model: KeyedVectors, setup_vocab_from_embeddings: bool, initialize_unknowns: bool) -> Tuple[odict, torch.Tensor]: """ Create the embeddings matrix and the new vocabulary in case this objects needs to use an embedding model. A new vocabulary needs to be built because of the parameters that could allow, for example, collapsing OOVs. Parameters ---------- model: KeyedVectors The embeddings setup_vocab_from_embeddings: bool Controls if all words from the optional provided embeddings will be added to the vocabulary and to the embedding matrix. Defaults to False. initialize_unknowns If True, every unknown token will be assigned a random embedding from a normal distribution. Otherwise, all of them map to the '<unk>' token. Returns ------- Tuple[OrderedDict, torch.Tensor] A tuple with the new embeddings and the embedding matrix """ embedding_matrix: List[torch.Tensor] = [] new_vocab: odict[str, int] = odict() new_index = -1 tokens: Iterable[str] = self.vocab.keys() if setup_vocab_from_embeddings: tokens = chain(tokens, model.vocab.keys()) for token in tokens: if token not in new_vocab: if token in model: embedding_matrix.append(torch.tensor(model[token])) new_vocab[token] = new_index = new_index + 1 elif token in self.specials: embedding_matrix.append(torch.randn(model.vector_size)) new_vocab[token] = new_index = new_index + 1 else: self.unk_numericals.add(self.vocab[token]) if initialize_unknowns: embedding_matrix.append(torch.randn(model.vector_size)) new_vocab[token] = new_index = new_index + 1 else: # Collapse all OOV's to the same <unk> token id new_vocab[token] = new_vocab[self.unk] return new_vocab, torch.stack(embedding_matrix)
[docs] def setup(self, *data: np.ndarray) -> None: """Build the vocabulary and sets embeddings. Parameters ---------- data : Iterable[str] List of input strings. """ self._build_vocab(*data) if self.embeddings_info: model = get_embeddings(self.embeddings_info.embeddings, self.embeddings_info.embeddings_format, self.embeddings_info.embeddings_binary) self.vocab, self.embedding_matrix = self._build_embeddings( model, self.embeddings_info.build_vocab_from_embeddings, self.embeddings_info.unk_init_all)
# TODO update when we add generics
[docs] def process(self, example: # type: ignore Union[str, Tuple[Any], List[Any], Dict[Any, Any]]) \ -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], List[torch.Tensor], Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: """Process an example, and create a Tensor. Parameters ---------- example: str The example to process, as a single string Returns ------- torch.Tensor The processed example, tokenized and numericalized """ # special case of list of examples: if isinstance(example, list) or isinstance(example, tuple): return [self.process(e) for e in example] # type: ignore elif isinstance(example, dict): return dict([(key, self.process(val)) for key, val in example.items()]) # type: ignore # Lowercase and tokenize example = example.lower() if self.lower else example tokens = self.tokenizer(example) # Add extra tokens if self.sos is not None: tokens = [self.sos] + list(tokens) if self.eos is not None: tokens = list(tokens) + [self.eos] # Numericalize numericals = [] for token in tokens: if token not in self.vocab: if self.unk is None or self.unk not in self.vocab: raise ValueError("Encounterd out-of-vocabulary token \ but the unk_token is either missing \ or not defined in the vocabulary.") else: token = self.unk numerical = self.vocab[token] # type: ignore if self.embeddings_info is not None and self.embeddings_info.drop_unknown and \ numerical in self.unk_numericals: # Don't add unknown tokens in case the flag is activated continue numericals.append(numerical) ret = torch.tensor(numericals).long() if self.max_seq_len is not None: if self.truncate_end: ret = ret[-self.max_seq_len:] else: ret = ret[:self.max_seq_len] return ret
@registrable_factory @classmethod
[docs] def from_embeddings( cls, embeddings: str, embeddings_format: str = 'glove', embeddings_binary: bool = False, build_vocab_from_embeddings: bool = False, unk_init_all: bool = False, drop_unknown: bool = False, additional_special_tokens: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Optional constructor to create TextField from embeddings params. Parameters ---------- embeddings : Optional[str], optional Path to pretrained embeddings, by default None embeddings_format : str, optional The format of the input embeddings, should be one of: 'glove', 'word2vec', 'fasttext' or 'gensim'. The latter can be used to download embeddings hosted on gensim on the fly. See for the list of available embedding aliases. embeddings_binary : bool, optional Whether the input embeddings are provided in binary format, by default False build_vocab_from_embeddings: bool Controls if all words from the optional provided embeddings will be added to the vocabulary and to the embedding matrix. Defaults to False. unk_init_all : bool, optional If True, every token not provided in the input embeddings is given a random embedding from a normal distribution. Otherwise, all of them map to the '<unk>' token. drop_unknown: bool Whether to drop tokens that don't have embeddings associated. Defaults to True. Important: this flag will only work when using embeddings. additional_special_tokens: Optional[List[str]] Additional tokens that have a reserved interpretation in the context of the current experiment, and that should therefore never be treated as "unknown". Passing them in here will make sure that they will have their own embedding that can be trained. Returns ------- TextField The constructed text field with the requested model. """ embeddings_info = EmbeddingsInformation( embeddings=embeddings, embeddings_format=embeddings_format, embeddings_binary=embeddings_binary, build_vocab_from_embeddings=build_vocab_from_embeddings, unk_init_all=unk_init_all, drop_unknown=drop_unknown ) return cls( embeddings_info=embeddings_info, additional_special_tokens=additional_special_tokens, **kwargs,