Source code for

from typing import Dict

import torch
import sklearn.metrics
import numpy as np

from flambe.metric.metric import Metric

[docs]def one_hot(indices: torch.Tensor, width: int) -> torch.Tensor: """Converts a list of ints into 1-hot format. Parameters ---------- indices: torch.Tensor the indices to be converted width: int the width of the 1-hot encoding (= the maximal index value) Returns ------- torch.Tensor A one-hot representation of the input indices. """ indices = indices.squeeze() return torch.zeros(indices.size(0), width).scatter_(1, indices.unsqueeze(1), 1.)
[docs]class AUC(Metric): def __init__(self, max_fpr=1.0): """Initialize the AUC metric. Parameters ---------- max_fpr : float, optional Maximum false positive rate to compute the area under """ self.max_fpr = max_fpr
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the name of the Metric (for use in logging).""" return f'{self.__class__.__name__}@{self.max_fpr}'
[docs] def aggregate(state: dict, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Aggregates by simply storing preds and targets Parameters ---------- state: dict the metric state args: the pred, target tuple Returns ------- dict the state dict """ pred, target = args if not state: state['pred'] = [] state['target'] = [] state['pred'].append(pred.cpu().detach()) state['target'].append(target.cpu().detach()) return state
[docs] def finalize(self, state: Dict) -> float: """Finalizes the metric computation Parameters ---------- state: dict the metric state Returns ------- float The final score. """ if not state: # call on empty state return np.NaN pred =['pred'], dim=0) target =['target'], dim=0) state['accumulated_score'] = self.compute(pred, target).item() return state['accumulated_score']
[docs] def compute(self, pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute AUC at the given max false positive rate. Parameters ---------- pred : torch.Tensor The model predictions of shape numsamples target : torch.Tensor The binary targets of shape numsamples Returns ------- torch.Tensor The computed AUC """ scores = np.array(pred) targets = np.array(target) # Case when number of elements added are 0 if not scores.size or not targets.size: return torch.tensor(0.5) fpr, tpr, _ = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(targets, scores, sample_weight=None) # Compute the area under the curve using trapezoidal rule max_index = np.searchsorted(fpr, [self.max_fpr], side='right').item() # Ensure we integrate up to max_fpr fpr, tpr = fpr.tolist(), tpr.tolist() fpr, tpr = fpr[:max_index], tpr[:max_index] fpr.append(self.max_fpr) tpr.append(max(tpr)) area = np.trapz(tpr, fpr) return torch.tensor(area / self.max_fpr).float()
[docs]class MultiClassAUC(AUC): """N-Ary (Multiclass) AUC for k-way classification"""
[docs] def compute(self, pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute multiclass AUC at the given max false positive rate. Parameters ---------- pred : torch.Tensor The model predictions of shape numsamples x numclasses target : torch.Tensor The binary targets of shape: - numsamples. In this case the elements index into the different classes - numsamples x numclasses. This implementation only considers the indices of the max values as positive labels Returns ------- torch.Tensor The computed AUC """ if pred.numel() == target.numel() == 0: return 0.5 * pred.new_ones(size=(1, 1)).squeeze() num_samples, num_classes = pred.shape pred_reshaped = pred.reshape(-1) if target.numel() == num_samples: # target consists of indices target = one_hot(target, num_classes) else: # reconstructing targets to make sure that only # one target is provided by taking the argmax along an axis target = torch.argmax(target, dim=1) target = one_hot(target, num_classes) target_reshaped = target.reshape(-1) if pred_reshaped.size() != target_reshaped.size(): raise RuntimeError( 'Predictions could not be flattened for AUC computation. ' 'Ensure all batches are the same size ' '(hint: try setting `drop_last = True` in Sampler).') return super().compute(pred_reshaped, target_reshaped)