Source code for flambe.compile.registrable

from typing import Type, TypeVar, Callable, Mapping, Dict, List, Any, Optional, Set
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from collections import defaultdict
from warnings import warn
import functools
import logging
import inspect

from ruamel.yaml import YAML, ScalarNode

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]yaml = YAML()
[docs]_reg_prefix: Optional[str] = None
[docs]R = TypeVar('R', bound='Registrable')
[docs]A = TypeVar('A')
[docs]RT = TypeVar('RT', bound=Type['Registrable'])
[docs]class RegistrationError(Exception): """Error thrown when acessing yaml tag on a non-registered class Thrown when trying to access the default yaml tag for a class typically occurs when called on an abstract class """ pass
[docs]def make_from_yaml_with_metadata(from_yaml_fn: Callable[..., Any], tag: str, factory_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Callable[..., Any]: @functools.wraps(from_yaml_fn) def wrapped(constructor: Any, node: Any) -> Any: obj = from_yaml_fn(constructor, node, factory_name=factory_name) # Access dict directly because obj may be a Schema, and have # special dot notation access behavior obj.__dict__['_created_with_tag'] = tag return obj return wrapped
[docs]def make_to_yaml_with_metadata(to_yaml_fn: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: @functools.wraps(to_yaml_fn) def wrapped(representer: Any, node: Any) -> Any: if hasattr(node, '_created_with_tag'): tag = node._created_with_tag else: tag = Registrable.get_default_tag(type(node)) return to_yaml_fn(representer, node, tag=tag) return wrapped
[docs]class registration_context: def __init__(self, namespace: str) -> None: self._namespace = namespace
[docs] def __enter__(self) -> None: global _reg_prefix self._prev_reg_prefix = _reg_prefix _reg_prefix = self._namespace
[docs] def __exit__(self, *args: Any) -> int: global _reg_prefix _reg_prefix = self._prev_reg_prefix return False
[docs] def __call__(self, func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: @functools.wraps(func) def decorate_reg_context(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: with self: return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorate_reg_context
[docs]class Registrable(ABC): """Subclasses automatically registered as yaml tags Automatically registers subclasses with the yaml loader by adding a constructor and representer which can be overridden """
[docs] _yaml_tags: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
[docs] _yaml_tag_namespace: Dict[str, str] = defaultdict(str)
[docs] _yaml_registered_factories: Set[str] = set()
[docs] def __init_subclass__(cls: Type[R], should_register: Optional[bool] = True, tag_override: Optional[str] = None, tag_namespace: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # type: ignore # Copy parent set so that factories are inherited # But not shared across cousin classes cls._yaml_registered_factories = set(cls._yaml_registered_factories) if should_register: default_tag = cls.__name__ if tag_override is None else tag_override # NOTE: abstract classes are registered too. This allows us # to raise an exception if you actually try to use one, # in case you think a class should be concrete but is # actually still abstract Registrable.register_tag(cls, default_tag, tag_namespace)
[docs] def register_tag(class_: RT, tag: str, tag_namespace: Optional[str] = None) -> None: # Create a tag that includes namespace e.g. `!torch.Adam` global _reg_prefix if _reg_prefix is not None: if tag_namespace is not None: full_tag = f"!{_reg_prefix}.{tag_namespace}.{tag}" else: full_tag = f"!{_reg_prefix}.{tag}" elif tag_namespace is not None: full_tag = f"!{tag_namespace}.{tag}" else: full_tag = f"!{tag}" # full_tag = f"!{tag_namespace}.{tag}" if tag_namespace is # not None else f"!{tag}" if class_.__name__ in class_._yaml_tag_namespace: if tag_namespace != class_._yaml_tag_namespace[class_.__name__]: # Don't register anything not matching the already set # namespace # Helps limit chance of tag collisions msg = f"You are trying to register class {class_} without namespace" \ + f"{tag_namespace} so ignoring" warn(msg) return elif tag_namespace is not None: # Set namespace so that the above branch can catch # accidentally forgetting namespace class_._yaml_tag_namespace[class_.__name__] = tag_namespace # Ensure all tags are only associated with that specific class, # NOT any subclasses class_._yaml_tags[class_.__name__].append(full_tag) # Code based on the ruamel.yaml yaml_object decorator # Look for to_yaml and from_yaml methods -- if not present # default to built in default flow style def registration_helper(factory_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: from_yaml_tag = full_tag if factory_name is None else full_tag + "." + factory_name logger.debug(f"Registering tag: {from_yaml_tag}") try: to_yaml = class_.to_yaml except AttributeError: def t_y(representer: Any, node: Any, tag: str) -> Any: return representer.represent_yaml_object( tag, node, class_, flow_style=representer.default_flow_style ) to_yaml = t_y finally: yaml.representer.add_representer(class_, make_to_yaml_with_metadata(to_yaml)) try: from_yaml = class_.from_yaml except AttributeError: def f_y(constructor: Any, node: Any, factory_name: str) -> Any: return constructor.construct_yaml_object(node, class_) from_yaml = f_y finally: yaml.constructor.add_constructor( from_yaml_tag, make_from_yaml_with_metadata(from_yaml, from_yaml_tag, factory_name) ) registration_helper() for factory_name in class_._yaml_registered_factories: # Every time we register a new tag, make sure that you can # use each factory with that new tag registration_helper(factory_name)
[docs] def get_default_tag(class_: RT, factory_name: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Retrieve default yaml tag for class `cls` Retrieve the default tag (aka the last one, which will be the only one, or the alias if it exists) for use in yaml representation """ if class_.__name__ in class_._yaml_tags: tag = class_._yaml_tags[class_.__name__][-1] if (factory_name is not None) and \ (factory_name not in class_._yaml_registered_factories): raise RegistrationError(f"This class has no factory {factory_name}") elif factory_name is not None: tag = tag + '.' + factory_name return tag raise RegistrationError("This class has no registered tags")
@classmethod @abstractmethod
[docs] def to_yaml(cls, representer: Any, node: Any, tag: str) -> Any: """Use representer to create yaml representation of node See Component class, and experiment/options for examples """ pass
@classmethod @abstractmethod
[docs] def from_yaml(cls, constructor: Any, node: Any, factory_name: str) -> Any: """Use constructor to create an instance of cls See Component class, and experiment/options for examples """ pass
[docs]def alias(tag: str, tag_namespace: Optional[str] = None) -> Callable[[RT], RT]: """Decorate a Registrable subclass with a new tag Can be added multiple times to give a class multiple aliases, however the top most alias tag will be the default tag which means it will be used when representing the class in YAML """ def decorator(cls: RT) -> RT: Registrable.register_tag(cls, tag, tag_namespace) return cls return decorator
[docs]def register(cls: Type[A], tag: str) -> Type[A]: """Safely register a new tag for a class Similar to alias, but it's intended to be used on classes that are not already subclasses of Registrable, and it is NOT a decorator """ if not hasattr(cls, '_yaml_tags'): cls._yaml_tags = defaultdict(list) # type: ignore if not hasattr(cls, '_yaml_tag_namespace'): cls._yaml_tag_namespace = defaultdict(str) # type: ignore if not hasattr(cls, '_yaml_registered_factories'): cls._yaml_registered_factories = set() # type: ignore return alias(tag)(cls) # type: ignore
[docs]class registrable_factory: """Decorate Registrable factory method for use in the config This Descriptor class will set properties that allow the factory method to be specified directly in the config as a suffix to the tag; for example: .. code-block:: python class MyModel(Component): @registrable_factory def from_file(cls, path): # load instance from path ... return instance defines the factory, which can then be used in yaml: .. code-block:: yaml model: !MyModel.from_file path: some/path/to/ """ def __init__(self, fn: Any) -> None: self.fn = fn
[docs] def __set_name__(self, owner: type, name: str) -> None: if not hasattr(owner, '_yaml_registered_factories'): raise RegistrationError(f"class {owner} doesn't have property " f"_yaml_registered_factories; {owner} should subclass " "Registrable or Component") owner._yaml_registered_factories.add(name) # type: ignore setattr(owner, name, self.fn)
[docs]class MappedRegistrable(Registrable): @classmethod
[docs] def to_yaml(cls, representer: Any, node: Any, tag: str) -> Any: """Use representer to create yaml representation of node""" return representer.represent_mapping(tag, node._saved_kwargs)
[docs] def from_yaml(cls, constructor: Any, node: Any, factory_name: str) -> Any: """Use constructor to create an instance of cls""" if inspect.isabstract(cls): msg = f"You're trying to initialize an abstract class {cls.__name__}. " \ + "If you think it's concrete, double check you've spelled " \ + "all the originally abstract method names correctly." raise Exception(msg) if isinstance(node, ScalarNode): nothing = constructor.construct_yaml_null(node) if nothing is not None: warn(f"Non-null scalar argument to {cls.__name__} will be ignored. A map of kwargs" " should be used instead.") return cls() # NOTE: construct_yaml_map is a generator that yields the # constructed data and then updates it kwargs, = list(constructor.construct_yaml_map(node)) if factory_name is not None: factory_method = getattr(cls, factory_name) else: factory_method = cls instance = factory_method(**kwargs) instance._saved_kwargs = kwargs return instance